The activities of construction and supplies that involve ATS L.L.C. are not limited to the construction of the classical hydraulic systems, but they also include the plug of hydraulic hoses lines very important for the functionality of some machineries in the yachts.
These systems on the contrary of the classic ones are distinguished for the type of the employed material, aim of use and liquid flow.
They can be realized both on low and high pressure depending on the kind of use that the system has to feed, and substantially they have the function of the movement through the pressure of the inner fluid of the components such as:
- hatchbacks
- travel lift
- gangplanks
- steering
- rectractable fins
- valves
Due to the delicate and important function that these kind of systems play ATS L.L.C. uses materials absolutely certified and with high longlasting performances.
The hoses of the hydraulic systems can be stiff like the iron sbk or flexible (very resistent tyre which even if mantaining the flexible hose it makes it stiff thanks to the inner methalic braiding), they can have a protective fireproof sheath rather than a stainless steel sheath resistent to the very high pressure, and in this wide range of products the hoses fittings can make the difference.
For this reason, in the hydraulic field
ATS assembles only the Made in Italy top range
such as Cast and Rastelli
The installation of the hydraulic fittings requires the use of a particular series and custom out of supply which is meant exactly to obtain high performance when the inner fluids work on the very high pressures.
The hydraulic systems we realize on board of the yacht of our customers require knowledge of the subject and experience in the field, so ATS L.L.C. has thought to specialize a part of its staff on the hydraulic type activity.
For information about our ship hydraulic systems for yachts contact our commercial staff with no expenses.