Construction of ships piping

The construction of ships and yacht piping is one of the specialization of ATS L.L.C in Viareggio.

ATS L.L.C. provides a mechanical workshop where the hoses  projected and designed on paper from our ship data collector take shape.

The specialized ATS L.L.C. pipes builder,  thanks to the use of pipes bars machinery, are able to realize higly personalized hoses custom out for our customer.

In the workshop beyond an efficient store made up by pipes bar of every diametre employed for our work,ATS L.L.C. fiange and stiff fittings  provides all the machineries that can realize a plumbing system. ATS L.L.C. can rely on the following equipment:

  • two yacht pipe bending machine
  • cutting off
  • drill press
  • gas tungsten arc welding
  • gas metal arc welding
  • drill shielded metal arc welding
  • fixed grinders
  • different outfitted workbenchs

The materials are crafted in our  building mechanic workshop are stainless steel AISI 304 and 316 (schedule), Cu.Ni 90/10, alluminium and iron (also shimmed).

Thanks to the collaboration of our workship operators on board ATS L.L.C. is able to plan and program their work.

Apart our builders our workshop avails of specialized welder (equipped with qualification licence)  who end the construciton phase. 

We are able to deliver complete hoses of the painting phase requested.

Aiming at reaching the maximum efficiency ATS L.L.C. can provide a service to the customer with full phase which starts from the planning of the hoses lines to realize, to the construction, to he welding and painting of the product, without forgetting that thanks to the equipped boat yard…

…..we guarantee also the ship of the material built in the workshop

This not only reduce the expenses but it makes sure that ATS L.L.C. has a total control and the respect of all the delivery deadlines.

The ATS Viareggio commercial division  is available for any further detailed information about our construction of ship hoses.

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